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PhD Study Programmes

Programmes: PhDIA, PhDSSC
Evaluation and defence of the PhD Thesis
Extraordinary Awards

PhD Programmes (R.D. 99/2011)


The Higher Technical School of Computer Engineers has implemented:

The PhDIA is an adaptation complying with the provisions set forth in the Royal Decree 99/2011 regarding the PhD Programme in Artificial Intelligence provided by the Polytechnique University of Madrid already verified by the Royal Decree 1393/2007 by the Council of Universities from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (MECD), that was given an Honourable Mention for Excellence by the MECD from the academic year 2011-2012 to 2013-2014.

The PhD Programme in Software, Systems and Computation (PhDSSC) by the Polytechnique University of Madrid has its origin in the merging of two official PhD programmes, both with an Honourable Mention for Excellence: PhD Programme in Software and Systems and PhD Programme in Advanced Computation for Science and Engineering. This new programme is an adaptation complying with the provisions set forth in the Royal Decree 99/2011.

These two programmes deal with most of the areas of work from the research groups in the campus Montegancedo, which has been considered by the Ministry of Science and Innovation as an Excellent Campus in Research and Transfer in the area of Computer Technologies and Communication.


The common aim of these programmes is training researchers capable of:

In order to finish the PhD studies, the elaboration and defence of a PhD thesis including original results from an investigation must be completed.

The length of the PhD programme will be of a maximum of three years for the full-time modality. However, with the previous authorization from the academic commission responsible for the programme, the PhD studies can be conducted part-time. In that case, the length of the PhD programme will be of a maximum of 5 years.

If, after the aforementioned deadline of three years, the application to deposit the PhD thesis has not been presented, the commission responsible for the programme could authorize an extension of one more year that exceptionally could be extended another year. In the case of part-time studies, the extension could be authorised for two years which exceptionally could be extended another one.

The PhD programmes include both cross-disciplinary and specific training to the field of each programme.

The training activities conducted by the PhD student appear in the activity record. The thesis supervisor and the PhD tutor must review that document. The Academic Commission assesses it annually.

Generally, in order to access an official PhD programme, it is necessary to possess an official degree from Spain and a Master's degree (or equivalent), only if at least 300 ECTS credits between these two educational levels have been completed.

In addition, the access will be allowed to those that are included in any of the cases that appear in the article 6 section 2 from the RD 99/2011, of the 28th of January. Specifically in its letter d), it is established that the access will be permitted to those who possess a certification obtained as stated by foreign educational systems, without need for nostrification, after the previous verification conducted by the University that the aforementioned degree proves the level of training equivalent to a official master's degree from Spain and that allows the access to PhD studies in the issuing country. This admission does not imply, in any case, the nostrification of the previous certification possessed by the person interested or its recognition for other purposes apart from the access to the PhD programme.

The PhD students accepted to the PhD programme are registered annually.

From the very moment of the admission to the PhD programme, a PhD tutor and a thesis supervisor is assigned to each student by the responsible Academic Committee.

Before the end of the first year, PhD students must propose a research plan including at least the methodology that they are going to use and the objectives to be achieved, as well as the means and the time frame to finish it. That research plan must be accepted by the supervisor and the tutor.

The Academic Committee annually evaluates the research plan and the reports that must be issued by the tutor and the supervisor.

Each faculty establishes the aims of supervising the PhD students through an agreement signed by the University, the PhD students, their tutor and their supervisor. That agreement must be signed as soon as possible after the admission.

Evaluation and defence of the PhD Thesis

The examining board that evaluates the thesis will obtain the students' activity report with the training activities conducted by them. This follow-up report is not considered as part of the quantitative mark, but it is a tool for the qualitative evaluation that completes the evaluation of the PhD thesis.

The PhD thesis is evaluated in the defence ceremony, which is public and consists of the presentation and defence of the research paper conducted by the PhD student before the members of the examining board.

The examining board issues a report and the global mark provided to the thesis according to the following values: ineligible, pass, good and outstanding.

The examining board provides magna cum laude if the global mark is outstanding and it is accepted unanimously through positive secret ballot.

International PhD Mention:

The PhD certification can include in the front page the "International PhD Mention" only if the circumstances referred to in the article 15, section 1, letters a), b), c) y d) from the R.D. 99/2011 of 28th of January are fulfilled.

PhD thesis subject to international joint supervision:

The PhD certification can include in the front page the report "Thesis subject to international joint supervision with the University U" only if the circumstances referred to in the article 15, section 2, letters a) y b) from the R.D. 99/2011 of 28th of January are fulfilled.

Industrial PhD Mention:

The "Industrial PhD Mention" is provided only if the circumstances referred to in the article 15 bis, sections 1 and 2 from the R.D. 99/2011 of 28th of January are fulfilled.
Defence process for the PhD thesis


Extraordinary Awards

Academic year 2021/22

 Academic year 2020/21

Academic year 2019/20 

 Academic year 2018/19

Academic year 2017/18

 Academic year 2016/17

Academic year 2015/16

Academic year 2014/15

Eliminated PhD programmes (R.D. 1393/2007)

Since the academic year 2010-2011, the Higher Technical School of Computer Engineers offers three PhD programmes adapted to the regulations (R.D. 1393). They were eliminated the 30th of September of 2017.

This PhD programme can provide support staff trained in research to laboratories and research centres where the simulation and modelling based on computing are essential, as it happens in the aerospace area and scientific fields such as biotechnology (genomics, proteomics, neuroscience) or materials (nanotechnology...) where the presence of Spain is relevant.

This PhD programme in Artificial Intelligence has, as a general aim, the specialisation of the students and their training in researching techniques within the areas related to Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence and the development and defence of a PhD thesis conducted by the students.

This PhD programme has, as a general aim, the training of PhD students through thorough expertise, high-quality and a high level of specialization, focused on research within the areas related to Software and Systems, including the development and defence of a PhD thesis conducted by students. In addition, the practice of activities related to outreach and the dissemination of the research are especially emphasised.